Term life insurance is a cost-effective way to protect your family and fulfill your short-term needs. With these plans, you can buy large amounts of insurance at an affordable cost. It is commonly referred to as “temporary life insurance” because it provides coverage for a fixed period of time. This type of insurance may be converted to a Whole Life plan.

There are several advantages to choosing Term life insurance. It is inexpensive at a younger age, which allows you to buy higher levels of coverage. Term insurance is good for covering needs that will disappear in time, such as mortgages or educational loans. Also, the conversion option allows you to purchase permanent coverage without showing evidence of good health.

We offer the following Term life insurance plans:

What would happen to your family if you were out of the picture? Would your family be able to keep their home? Meet their educational goals? Meet ongoing living expenses?

Our affordable term insurance offers a simple and affordable solution to the problem of protecting your family if you were to die unexpectedly. Coverage amounts are available from $100,000 up to $9,999,999 million and in 10, 20, and 30-year options.

Conversion Provision

Best of all, we offer a generous conversion provision that adds extra value to your coverage. This provision lets you convert your term coverage to a permanent plan of insurance without undergoing any new or additional screenings, regardless of your medical condition.

Contact your local Agent to find out if Affordable Renewable & Convertible Term insurance is right for you!

If you have a child or grandchild who is 0-17 years of age, protecting him or her is the most important gift you can give. At Catholic Life, we understand the uncertainties of childhood, and we’ve developed a life insurance plan that is Just for Kids.

What is Just for Kids?

Our Just for Kids option is a low-cost term life insurance plan that provides up to $20,000 of solid coverage. Best of all, it doesn’t cost a fortune! In fact, a one-time premium protects your child or grandchild until they reach the age of 22. More importantly, this plan can be converted to permanent life insurance regardless of health. You may exercise this option during the 30 day period prior to the insured child’s 22nd birthday.

Why get Just for Kids?

You may ask yourself, “Why should I buy life insurance on my child or grandchild? He’s young. Nothing’s going to happen to him.” Unfortunately, accidents do happen, and serious illnesses can strike overnight. Our Just for Kids plan can give you peace of mind while at the same time protecting your child or grandchild with solid protection. And if something should happen to your child or grandchild, Just for Kids can help ease the financial burden. More importantly, if your child or grandchild has a severe accident or contracts a debilitating disease, Just for Kids allows the purchase of up to $100,000** of permanent protection at standard rates regardless of health.

**Each $10,000 unit may be converted at age 22 to $50,000 of permanent coverage. The maximum amount available to each insured is $20,000 in any JFK plan.

How do I apply?

A parent, grandparent, or legal guardian may request an application from the Home Office or an Agent before the child’s 18th birthday. The application contains three simple medical questions.

Contact your local Agent today to find out if Just for Kids is right for the children in your life.

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