​Join Hands Day is a national day of service that is designed to strengthen relationships across generations and bring together youth and adults through helpful projects meant to benefit the community. This event is officially celebrated on the first Saturday of April each year.

Volunteers of all ages work together on these projects on an equal basis to brainstorm, organize, and implement the day’s activities.

Volunteers from the Home Office and 74 branches make a difference in their respective communities each year through a variety of projects celebrating Join Hands Day. These projects include cleaning cemeteries, renovating community centers, visiting local nursing homes, and assisting the local food bank. We strongly encourage everyone from their community or parish to devote some of their time and energy to a local Join Hands Day volunteer event. You do not have to be a Catholic Life member to participate.

For more information on “Join Hands Day” projects taking place in your area, contact your local Branch directly.